Thank you for visiting!  If you have come this far, maybe it means that you are curious about our music or maybe, just maybe, you really enjoy our music and want to support us.  Either way, we are grateful and hope you take something away from our music that will help you in your journey. 


For those that want to support our mission to make real, genuine, deep, and relatable music cool again, here's a list of ways you can actively show your support: 

1. sign up for our newsletter


- This is the best way to support!  We get direct communication with you!

2. follow on social media

- Leave us a comment and share posts with your friends!  Let's build!

3. subscribe on youtube

- Get notified when we release new music videos!  Share them with your friends!

4. BUY some merch

- We are fully independent so all sales help us build and grow!  Send us pics!  We will post them!